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Titanium anode liner delivered to customers in Shaanxi


Titanium electrodes have been around for 40 years.
Titanium anode, also known as DSA, has played a huge role in economic development. The research and popular application of titanium electrodes has promoted the development of related disciplines, such as the establishment of electrocatalysis science, electrode reaction engineering and other disciplines. It can be said that the field of aqueous solution electrolysis has entered the era of titanium electrodes.
Electrocatalysis, that is, through the careful selection of electrode materials to achieve the optimization of electrochemical processes, is the ultimate goal of electrode research.
The birth of a new type of high-efficiency electrode can greatly change the appearance of production, and can even be hailed as a technological revolution. In the chlor-alkali industry, one of the largest sectors in the modern electrolysis industry, the anode material for diaphragm electrolysis originally used graphite with a working current density of 900AZm. , slot voltage is 4.4 V; After the use of Ionic membrane slots, the anode coated titanium electrode, the working current density increased to 4000 A/m. , and the slot voltage is only 3.75 V. The Ionic membrane groove can increase the current density by 4 times, but the slot voltage is reduced, so that the power consumption is greatly reduced, and the production of chlor-alkali is greatly optimized. In the graphite electrode era, the ion membrane process is impossible to implement. Only in the titanium electrode era can advanced ion membrane technology be industrialized.