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Platinum titanium anode delivered to customers in Shandong


In order to save platinum, titanium plating electrode was developed. The titanium platinum plating electrode is the most representative type of titanium base composite platinum group metal electrode.
In order to reduce the cost and reduce the amount of platinum, a thin platinum layer is generally plated on certain metal matrices. These matrix metals are stable in most media, and when the anode is polarized, as long as the surface passes through a very small anode current, a dense oxide film is formed, and the resistance increases rapidly to prevent the current from passing. The current can only pass through the platinum-plated surface, so that the exposed parts of the matrix metal are protected from corrosion. This oxide film can withstand a certain voltage, so when the anode current density is high, the oxide film will not be destroyed. This makes the titanium platinum plating electrode have similar electrochemical properties to the platinum electrode, and can greatly reduce the cost.