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Wastewater degradation


Wastewater degradation

With the rapid development of our country's industry, the emission of refractory industrial wastewater has increased dramatically, and the water pollution brought about by it has become a major problem of environmental pollution in our country. Hard to degrade industrial wastewater mainly includes industrial wastewater such as coking, dyes, and pesticides. Its characteristics are complex composition, and the content of COD, Chromaticity, salinity, and toxic and refractory substances is high. The methods for the treatment of this type of industrial wastewater mainly include physical methods, chemical methods, physical chemical methods(referred to as physicochemical methods), biological methods, and their combination techniques. For the treatment of refractory industrial wastewater, advanced oxidation technology is used to oxidize refractory substances and convert them into low-toxic, biodegradable low-molecular organic matter, and then use biological treatment technology to mineralize them. This advanced oxidation-biologic coupling technology based on multi-process integration of advanced oxidation and biological treatment will be the development trend of industrial wastewater treatment in the future.
Advanced oxidation technology Advanced oxidation technology(AOT), also known as deep oxidation technology, is based on the transportation of electricity, light irradiation, catalysts, and sometimes combined with oxidants to produce highly active free radicals(such as OH) in the reaction. Then, through the addition, substitution, electron transfer, and breaking of organic compounds between free radicals and organic compounds, the refractory macromolecular organic matter in wastewater is oxidized and degraded into low-toxic or non-toxic small molecular substances, and even directly degraded into C02 and H20, close to complete mineralization. Advanced oxidation treatment technology, as one of the physical treatment technologies, has been widely used in the pre-treatment process of toxic and non-degradable industrial wastewater with the advantages of high treatment efficiency and thorough destruction of toxic pollutants. It has gradually become a hot spot in water treatment technology research.