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Titanium anode for electrolyzer


Anode used in electrolyzer not only has good performance but also has reasonable price. Titanium anode has the following advantages as an anode for electrolyzer:
1. It has good conductivity.
2. Strong corrosion resistance.
3. Good mechanical strength and processing performance.
4. Long working life.
5. It has good electrocatalytic performance.
In the process of water electrolysis, such as the formation of acid, alkali ionic water and the presence of various strong oxidants in the water, such as: O 3, H 2O 2, HCLO, etc., while the anode is often reversed, so special functional electrodes must be used. After years of research, our company has developed a long-life electrode for water treatment - - Titanium metal coated electrode. The platinum group noble metal oxides with high electrocatalytic performance, strong oxidation resistance and good conductivity were coated on pure titanium substrates, which belonged to insoluble anode. The characteristics of the anode are as follows: 1. Titanium has the characteristics of light weight, good strength, corrosion resistance and good performance, especially wet chlorine resistance, which is incomparable with other metal materials. For example, when there is a trace amount of chloride ion in the water electrolysis, the stainless rigid plate will be pitted quickly, which will shorten the life of the electrode, while titanium does not have these problems. 2. Due to the addition of various platinum noble metals, the coating has high current efficiency, good conductivity, good electrocatalytic performance, strong oxidation resistance, long working life and energy saving.